Amy Jasmine Bannister guestbook Page amy-j-Amy Jasmine Bannister


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Name: Sue Bannister
Country: ENGLAND Date: 26 Jul 2009 11:48:00 GMT

Comment: Yipee! I am your first guest on your brand new website, go Amy go !!!;-) xx

Love you Mum, thankyou ! Amy J xx

Name: BrianBannister
Country: ENGLAND Date: 26 Jul 2009 13:42:43 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, remember us when you're famous, a big house with a swimming pool and a recording studio would be nice ! xx 

Love you Dad, I would like that too ! Amy J xx

Name: Daniel Hooper                                                 
Country: ENGLAND Date: 26 Jul 2009 18:24:22 GMT

Comment: Amy i think your website is fantastic and your a fantastic person from daniel

Glad you like my site Dan, thanks for being a good friend !         Amy J xx

Name: Sarah Carroll-Bannister   
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 26 Jul 2009 19:09:36 GMT

Comment: Wow! Wicked website Amy!!! I like all the photos xxx

Thanks Sis love you loads, pleased you like it !             Amy J xx

Name: Peter Macfarlane
Country: UK  Date: 27 Jul 2009 08:07:38 GMT

Comment: Rock on Amy and live the dream.Ella really loves the Youtube videos and tells everybody about them.

Thanks Pete, we are enjoying it all at the moment, glad Ella likes the videos !                  Amy J xx

Name: auntie lizzie
Country: UK Date: 28 Jul 2009 18:12:22 GMT

Comment: hey ames brillie bobs website, you are so clever doing this on your own hee hee!!! your my little rock chick well done.....but could you pleeeeeeeeeeaaasse do at least 1 Take That song for me mummy and sarah.......we know you love Take That too... lol xxxx love you ames .....I WIN!!!!!!!! XX

Thanks Auntie Lizzie, not sure my teacher will teach me any TT, more chance of Iron Maiden the way, I win !!!!!       Amy J xx

Name: Hazel James
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 28 Jul 2009 20:52:54 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, I would just like to are one cool cookie!!!! I think your going to be a big star one day!!! Hope to see you soon sweetie, Lots of love Hazel, Anthony and Baby Samuel xxxx

Thanks Hazel, Anthony & Samuel - I really enjoy playing my guitars and hope I can play as good as my teacher one day ! 
     Amy J xx

Name: Caroline & Andrew Lewis
Country: CHESHIRE  Date: 30 Jul 2009 18:10:09 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, hope you're not feeling too poorly at the moment, looks like you have a few very exciting months ahead with the Thin Lizzy tribute act and meeting Brian May! Keep us all updated! xx

Thanks Caroline & Andrew, I am felling much better, I will keep updating my site as things happen  and yes, I am really excited       Amy J xx 

Name: Volker Jakel
Welcome Page:  
Country: GERMANY  Date: 31 Jul 2009 04:21:43 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy! Congrats on your new and very cool web site.

You R O C K !!! Greetz from GER Volker & family

Thanks Volker, I am very happy with my website, I hope to be able to put some more videos on soon      Amy J xx

Name: Uncle James -Byrdlander- Erickson
Country: USA  Date: 31 Jul 2009 20:39:11 GMT

Comment: Hello from across the pond, Amy!!! This is your Uncle James, and let me tell you, I am very impressed with all of this I see here! 6 guitars already! You have a very bright future ahead of you, and I wish you the very best. Remember, practice, practice, practice. Scales, arpeggios, modes, chord melody, all important. When you are famous, will you sign one of my guitars? Carry on with the good work! YOWZA! Respectfully, UJ.

Thank you, I am practicing hard but not sure if I will ever be famous, I will post some videos of me practising the chromatic and pentatonic scales soon    Amy J xx

Name: Reda House
Country: UNITED STATES/GEORGIA    Date: 31 Jul 2009 21:03:13 GMT

Comment: Hey Amy, this looks great...your # 1 fan in the USA.....

Howdy Reda, thanks again for your continued support, I think you are deffo my first true USA fan      Amy J xx   

Name: Laura bannister
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 2 Aug 2009 22:08:07 GMT

Comment: Hello Amy J! Well done on your guitar and website! I am so proud of you for all the hard work you have put in! You are my number one rock princess! I love you one more than u could ever say!! haha!! Laura x x x x x x

Thanks Laura, I love you two more than your extra one! hee hee!      Amy J xx

Name: Rasmus
Country: SINGAPORE  Date: 9 Aug 2009 14:44:59 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, I'm one of your dad's old colleagues, and I just heard some of your music. My god, I must say, I was thinking of Eric Clapton when I heard it. It is really really cool, you are really good. Keep it up!!! Rasmus

Thanks Rasmus, It is amazing that people even as far away as SIngapore have seen me, thanks for your nice comments      Amy J xx

Name: Keith, Lynda, Lauren, AJ and Isabella Gale
Country: UK    Date: 10 Aug 2009 07:59:56 GMT

Comment: Rock on Girl, fame awaits, oops sorry MORE fame awaits, cool site and great vids and sounds. Excellent...

Thanks to you all, glad you like my website, my Dad will be adding more photos and vids soon I hope !     Amy J xx

Name: Chantel McGregor
Welcome Page:  
Country: UK    Date: 11 Aug 2009 01:08:56 GMT

Comment:Lovely site, lovely playing, lovely Amy, love Chantel x

Thanks Chantel, you are a brilliant guitarist and you have got a fantastic website too !      Amy J xx

Name: Andy Powell
Welcome Page:  
Country: USA  Date: 20 Aug 2009 09:01:19 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, Keep up the great work. Doing your best, with joy and passion is what counts. That is success in itself. Rock on! Andy Powell 

Thanks Andy, I am practising hard and I am really looking forward to playing on stage with you and the boys during the day of the gig on October 31st, really can't wait           Amy J xx

Name: Chloe Smith
Country: IRELAND  Date: 25 Aug 2009 18:42:36 GMT

Comment: Well hello ms. Amy...and how mite u b?...i wil just have 2 go on youtube and look at your, i love your pg, tel every1 i say hi:)... from cousin chloe...xxxxx 

Fine thanks Chloe, everyone here says hi to you all too, glad you like my website !     Amy J xx

Name: Daniel Hooper
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 29 Aug 2009 17:16:27 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy I saw your new photos they are great I hope you are enjoying yourself on hoilday and i will see you at school soon from Daniel 

Hi Dan, yes, very soon, in fact about an hour :-)     Amy J xx

Name: Dr John
Welcome Page:  
Country: USA  Date: 4 Sep 2009 00:46:44 GMT

Comment: Amy, I think you ROCK! Best of Luck! Dr. John 

Thanks Dr John, glad you liked my site, I am working hard on my scales and lots of songs we all love from WIshbone Ash     
Amy J xx

Name: Annabel
Country: SCOTLAND  Date: 10 Sep 2009 17:45:22 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, we were sitting behind you at Shepherd's Bush. Your Youtube videos rock. Hope to see you soon. Love Annabel x 

Thanks Annabel, yes, hopefully we will meet at a Wishbone Ash gig at some point        Amy J xx

Name: Tony D
Welcome Page:  
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 14 Sep 2009 11:10:44 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy - good luck with your music career - I hope Chantel is giving you a lot of help (I have known Chantel for a long time and seen her progress quickly hope it goes the same way for you). Regards Tony from plan B 

Thanks Tony, Chantel has been great with me and has encouraged me a lot, she is really fantastic and at the moment it can only be a dream to be as good as her one day !      Amy J xx

Name: Pauline Clayton
Country:  ENGLAND Date: 16 Sep 2009 20:18:21 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, just seen your picture on my favourite rock website. It is nice to hear that you have been introduced to steve lally. His wife and I are really good friends. I will mention you when i speak to steve very soon. from Mrs Clayton 

Thankyou Mrs Clayton, I like too, Steve Lally is a really nice guy and is also friends with Chantel McGregor who is a great musician and has become a good friend of mine

Name: Laura Rock
Welcome Page:  
Country: TORONTO, CANADA  Date: 19 Sep 2009 23:19:49 GMT

Comment: Hi from across the pond Amy! Saw your video on and just wanted to let you know that your guitar playing is great! Keep up the good work :) 

Hi Laura, thankyou for your comments, I am recording a cd single for charity at the moment and I am loving every bit of it - I have listened to your songs on myspace and you really do rock !      Amy J xx

Name: Dan Todd
Country: CANADA  Date: 20 Sep 2009 07:41:30 GMT

Comment: Good Luck and God Bless you !! 

Thankyou Dan, your thoughts are appreciated      Amy J xx

Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 20 Sep 2009 09:12:19 GMT

Comment: Keep on rocking !!! All the best !!! AjC 

heera Andrew, I have looked at your website, you are brilliant and have a lovely voice    Amy J xx

Name: greg godovitz
Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 20 Sep 2009 17:29:30 GMT

Comment: What an impressive website for such a young and impressive new talent! Best of luck Amy for a long and successful career. And let us know if you need a producer...heehee! Greg Godovitz Calgary, Alberta ps...i shared a flight to toronto from the u.k. with the wishbones once...nice lads 

Wow, thanks for your nice message Greg, I am not sure if you have heard but I have started recording a cd single which will hopefully be for charity, I am really enjoying recording at the moment and hope to do a lot more in the future.    Amy J xx

Name: randy cooke
Country: USA  Date: 21 Sep 2009 02:29:08 GMT

Comment: wishing u all the best on your musical journey! 

Thankyou so much Randy, I am amazed at how much support I am getting     Amy J xx

Name: Slish
Country: HOLLAND Date: 21 Sep 2009 19:35:34 GMT

Comment: Hey Amy, good luck on laying down the lead tracks. Rock on, girl!

Thanks Slish, hope everyone likes it when its finished Amy J xx

Name: Brian Gagnon
Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 23 Sep 2009 03:00:57 GMT

Comment: rock, girl.You will be a star someday..Really, you are a star now..Keep up the good work..XOXO..Brian 

Thank you so much Brian, I have heard a lot about you as a producer but also from your days in "The Hunt" - your words mean a lot to me     Amy J  xx

Name: Mark Hussey
Welcome Page:  
Country: UK  Date: 23 Sep 2009 09:55:14 GMT

Comment: Keep up the good work Amy. Good luck xx 

Thanks so much Mark, I have just listened to you on your website, you are brilliant, thanks for your support    Amy J xx

Name: Sarah Smith
Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 24 Sep 2009 15:41:13 GMT

Comment: Keep working hard EVERYDAY, and all your dreams will come true! Bless. xo 

Thankyou so much Sarah, it means a lot to get encouragement from amazing bands like yourselves - you rock !    Amy J xx

Name: Sean Woods
Country: New York Date: 26 Sep 2009 01:32:45 GMT

Comment: Amy, I would just like to say how very proud of you I am, being so far away and never getting to see you. I am so happy that you are such a talented and successful girl, I think of you often and the day we will meet. Until that moment Amy, know that I brag of you often and send links of you and your music to anyone who will listen. I think of you often as I think of your Mum, Dad and Sis as well even though you are so far away, you will always be my sweet lil cousin - always thinking of you, your cous Sean. 

Thanks Sean, I cant wait to meet you, hope to meet you someday soon, perhaps I might do a few gigs in New York when my cd is out hee hee :-)       Amy J xx

Name: Lauren Mitchell
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 27 Sep 2009 15:27:26 GMT

Comment: Fab website Amy love It. P.S YOU ARE EXCELLENT AT GUITAR!!!!!!!! from Loz 

Thanks Loz, keep practising and we could make a band when we are older       Amy J xx

Name: Lauren Mitchell
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 27 Sep 2009 15:34:21 GMT

Comment: Love your website!!!!!!!! You are a great guitarist!!!!!!!! Love the Youtube one of you aged 3 playing the guitar!! Hilarious from LOZ 

Yes it is funny, I cant actually remember playing the guitar on that clip     Amy J xx

Name: Helena Carroll
Country: IRELAND  Date: 29 Sep 2009 15:53:44 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, your website is amazing. You are one seriously talented lady. What a pity you don't live here then you could give Paul and Brian a run for their money and maybe get them as motivated as you are!!!!! Keep on rockin....... Love Helena 

Thanks so much Helena, the boys are amazing, it would be great if we were closer so we could jam more often    Amy J xx

Name: Billy the Kid
Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 1 Oct 2009 04:10:52 GMT

Comment: Woah! Hey tiny talented one!!! Keep up the good work!!! :D 

Hey tall talented one, if I am as good as you one day I will be really really happy, I love your website !   Amy J xx

Name: Bob Parsisson 
Country: UK                                                 Date: 12 Oct 2009 11:23:56 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy! i got your cd single last night at the Chesterfield gig. its 
brilliant!!!!!! when is your first album coming out...
cheers and very best wishes Bob & Yvonne 

Thankyou, glad you enjoyed my first single, thanks for your donation, I sold 
around 20cd's at that gig all proceeds of them will go to Cancer Research UK
I think it will be a while before an album is ready as it costs so much for 
recording but hopefully one day I will get to make one !     Amy J xx

Name: Slish
Country: Holland                           Date: 15 Oct 2009 12:39:37:03 GMT

Comment: Hey Amy, congrats on the release of your first single ! I hope it paves
the way for more and bigger projects. Keep on rockin ! All the best to you and
your family. Slish 

Thanks Slish, I hope it does too, it should be on sale on my website
soon hopefully !   Amy J xx

Name: Emma Mosley

Country: ENGLAND                           Date: 22 Oct 2009 17:07:37:43 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy great CD Mum bought it from Sue today Mum can't 
stop humming it, your best friend Emma p.s  dee ya at school, good luck

Thanks Emma, glad you and your Mum like it and I will see you at school soon ! 
Amy J xx

Name: Deirdre Waldron
Country: MEATH - IRELAND  Date: 29 Oct 2009 23:03:34 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, Fantastic website! Just been watching the videos of you playing with my cousins 'Big Guns'! You're brilliant, keep up the good work, Hi from all at Big Guns House! :-)

Hi Deirdre, glad you like my website and thanks for signing my guestbook ! Hi to you all from the UK !   Amy J xx

Name: Grandma and Granddad 
Country: ENGLAND                                         Date: 4 Nov 2009 08:31:16 GMT

Comment: Amy I have at last managed to use my laptop long enough to access your 
website.It's amazing.Grandma and Granddad are very proud of you, you have such a 
passion for the guitar and have a super teacher. I can't believe you have met so many 
famous people in such a short time. It's great that you have heard from family in New 
york and Ireland Hello everyone in Ireland and Sean.We love you, Amy keep up the 
practising All our love Grandma and Grandad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Thankyou Grandma & Grandad, yes I have been very lucky and playing guitar my 
favourite ever hobby    Amy J xx

Name: Susie Turner
Country: UK  Date: 19 Nov 2009 11:35:01 GMT

Comment: I just listened to your CD, well done Amy, thank you for making Martin's iconic lyric such a moving anthem for people who are touched by cancer. We lost Martin's brother Kim, my parents and several friends so we too support this charity. You are such a talented girl, we have 4 daughters, all singers, and 2 sons, one a DJ/guitarist so you can see we encourage young talent! Come and see us in January, Derby/Sheffield? All best wishes, Martin (in Germany on tour right now) and Susie x 

Thankyou Susie & Martin, I am glad you like my CD and hope Martin likes it too. I will definately ask my Mum & Dad to bring me to see you when you play somewhere near us    Amy J xx

Name: Annabel Abram
Country: SCOTLAND  Date: 21 Nov 2009 12:28:13 GMT

Comment: Love the single, Amy. Thanks for signing it for me and the special privileges there bestowed!! Hope to see you soon. Love Annabel x 
PS Friends are starting to help me realise what the score is with Wishbone Ash after 26 years away from where its at (breeding Wishbone Ash fans) left me lost and confused. Starting to see a bit more clearly now... 

Thanks Annabel, glad you liked the cd, was my pleasure to sign it    Amy J xx

Name: Lizzy (from school)
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 21 Nov 2009 14:49:54 GMT

Comment: Hey Amy how did u make such an awsome web-page I love your flying-v I think it's awsome!!! great singing and I hope the money you raise goes a long way for cancer research good luck with the future of being a rockstar!!! All the best Lizzy Charlesworth.

Thanks Lizzy, I still have a lot to learn but I do really enjoy it    Amy J xx

Name: Rainer Frilund
Country: FINLAND  Date: 29 Dec 2009 17:13:43 GMT

Comment: The charity CD I ordered was in my mailbox today. Currently listening to it. Nice! Good luck in your future endeavours. 

Thanks Rainer, I am very proud that my CD is even being played in Finland    Amy J xx

Name: sharky97
Country:  USA Date: 8 Jan 2010 11:52:55 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, I saw Your videos on Youtube..just amazing . Keep playin :) Sharkie PS:More material (photos,videos,mp3) would be great :) 

Thanks Sharky, I am sure there will be more videos to come !    Amy J xx

Name: Niall flaxman  
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 24 Feb 2010 14:48:36 GMT

Comment: Hello Amy you are doing great ha ha. 

Thanks Niall, I have been getting a lot of encouragement    Amy J xx

Name: Lynn
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 18 Mar 2010 13:07:16 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, Picked up a copy of your 'Throw Down The Sword' CD for a nice donation at the Y Theatre on Saturday 13.03.10. Very impressed. My daughter is 13 and just about to start 'teaching herself' - she has both acoustic and electric guitars. Hope she gets to be half as good as yourself. Keep up the good work. You are a wonderful example that not all kids are 'wasters'. XX 

Thanks Lynn, I love anything to do with guitars but really should practise more than I do, hope your daughter does well    Amy J xx

Country:  ENGLAND Date: 18 Mar 2010 14:43:49 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, It was a pleasure to have joined you and your mum and dad on your special day in Leicester last Saturday. When are you releasing your next cd!! xx 

Hi Mike, it was nice to spend time with you and Rob as well. I hope to record more again someday and I am experimenting with making up my own songs    Amy J xx

Name: Rachel Hopwood
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 19 Mar 2010 17:06:27 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, It was lovely to meet you and your parents today. You did a great job performing on Calendar, you're a natural!!!! Best Wishes Rachel 

Thanks Rachel it was a pleasure to meet you too, I had a really great time at the TV studios today and everyone made my day so special, please say thanks to everyone for me, hope to meet you again someday !   Amy J xx

Name: Monica
Country: CANADA  Date: 27 Apr 2010 02:50:45 GMT

Comment: wow, really cool site! I'm a friend of Emma Mosley who told me to look at your site! i live in Canada anyway i really like your page! bye! 

Hi Monica, thankyou, I have had quite a few messages from people in Canada that I have now become friends with, lots of love Amy J xx

Name: Anders Hellstrom
Country: SWEDEN Date: 15 Jun 2010 08:57:38 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, I am a friend of your father Brian. We used to work together 10 years ago. He gave me a tip to look at your website and it looks great. I will show it to my son and daughter. Perhaps they will sign a comment on your guestbook as well. Cheers Anders

Hi Anders, thankyou very much, this is my first message from Sweden - Amy J xx

Name: Louie
Country: ENGLAND Date: 19 Jul 2010 13:12:38 GMT

Comment: hello i go to your school, your earings are cool 

Hi Louie, thankyou - Amy J xx

Name: alex
Country: Barcelona Date: 28 Nov 2010 09:33:18 GMT

Comment: I like very much your music, I'm alex from barcelona. See you 

Hola Alex, me alegro te gusta mi musica, hasta luego - Amy J xx

Name: Louie
Country: Chesterfield, England Date: 15 Dec 2011 20:13:00 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, congratulations on your web page any way. have you got an album out. p.s when did you start playing the
guitar. from Louie 

Hi Louie, I started playing guitar when I was 7, is your surname Dale by any chance lol? - Amy J xx

Name: John Young
Country: USA THIS WEEK!  Date: 28 Jan 2011 00:01:27 GMT

Comment: You rawk Amy... hope to see you play one regards john young 

Hi John, thank you for signing my guestbook, I love your music, your albums are brilliant - Amy J xx

Name: Ali Stead
Country: Toronto, Canada  Date: 21 Sep 2009 02:29:08 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, you rock!!! My name's Ali, I play guitar as well, I was your age when I first picked one up. I watched some of your video's, you sound great! Keep going with those modes, and the improvising solo's, cant wait to hear more from you! Rock on girl!- Ali Stead
Hi Ali, thanks for that, I will keep practising, really hope to meet you someday, I love your guitar by the way! - Amy J xx

Name: Mick Mcconnell
Welcome Page:  
Country: UK  Date: 11 Nov 2011 23:48:57 GMT

Comment: Keep up the good work Practice makes perfect ! 

Thanks for your message Mick, my Dad had been showing me some Smokie videos and I really like your music, I hope I get to see you play someday - Amy J xx

Name: Gus
Country: CANADA  Date: 12 Nov 2011 16:13:40 GMT

Comment: Geat work and thank you to Laura fo introducing me to your music. 

Thankyou for signing my guestbook Gus, Laura is a great friend of ours and inspires me a lot - Amy J xx

Name: Marija
Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 13 Nov 2011 02:56:35 GMT

Comment: Oh Amy! All I can say is keep following your heart girl! Rock n Roll! I see that you are so committed and that is an inspiration... I wish you LOVE and JOY in your wonderful young life and always! XO Marija 

What a lovely message Marija, it means alot, your latest video and song is fantastic, thanks again, maybe we will meet one day as I would love to come to Canada - Amy J xx

Name: Alexandra Whitehead
Country: ENGLAND Date: 18 Nov 2011 13:53:38 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, after the personal perfomance you did for my girls, the only thing Kirsty wanted for her birthday was a guitar so she could play like AMY J. love the site from the Whitehead 5 x 

Thanks everyone, we are going to update the site soon, maybe one day we will be able to jam together, that would be fun - Amy J xx

Name: Emily
Country:   Date: 13 Dec 2011 18:20:24 GMT

Comment: Heyy x It's Emily Here ! Brill Website !xx I Will Enjoy Looking At It Emily , St.Marys 

Thanks Emily, glad you like it, hope to add more to it soon - Amy J xx

Name: Hannah V Avril
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 8 Feb 2012 20:14:43 GMT

Comment: Who inspires you, Amy? Who is your musical idol? 

Hi Hannah, my musical idol is Chantel McGregor, she is fantastic, check her out on youtube you will love her - Amy J xx

Name: Ellie-B
Country: ENGLAND   Date: 11 Feb 2012 22:18:02 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy-J. Love the website! Thank you so much for joining Printed-Silk. I am Ellie-B (SINGER)Hannah has told me all about you and I am REALLY looking forward to meeting you (if not a bit nervous about my first impression)you sound really great and I am looking forward to the song that you and Hannah have been working on! See you on Monday, Ellie-B 

Thanks Ellie, looking forward to meeting you too, see you tomorrow - Amy J xx

Name: Brian
Welcome Page:  
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 21 Mar 2012 09:22:18 GMT

Comment: Wow! Nice website, great to see young talent with so much support and so many friends! I must check out those Carparelli guitars, you make them sound really good. Best Wishes for your future. 

Thanks for your lovely message Brian, hopefully one day I will have a BRM7/15 on here, please do check out Carparelli Guitars they are fantastic - Anyone else reading this check out BRM amps, they are awesome too ! - Amy J xx

Name: Brian Robinson Email:
Welcome Page:  
Country: UK  Date: 30 Mar 2012 21:31:03 GMT

Comment: Thanks for the plug Amy - I'll make you a special pink combo to go with your website! It was nice meeting your Dad on the motorway the other day but my hay-fever turned into a nasty cold - I hope he didn't get it! 

Wow, a pink or purple girly combo sounds so amazing and it would look great on photo's too, I will have to start saving my pocket money so may take some time I guess. I knew my Dad was meeting you but he didn't say why, I was hoping it might be to do with my birthday in April but perhaps thats just me dreaming - Amy J xx

Name: Daniel Hooper
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 14 Apr 2012 13:45:23 GMT

Comment: I like your new design of your website Amy,keep it up! 

Thanks Daniel, I am pleased with it too, I hope to do some more videos to add to it soon - Amy J xx

Name: Lauren
Country:  England Date: 17 Apr 2012 15:49:25 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy happy b'day ur website is gr8 Please visit my website and once again HAPPY B'DAY BEZZIE 

Thanks Lauren, your website is great too, see you soon - Amy J xx

Name: Gary Cooper Email:
Welcome Page:  
Country: UK  Date: 17 Apr 2012 20:46:49 GMT

Comment: Great site - great taste in friends, too! Keep rocking, Amy! 

Thanks Gary, I have been very lucky to make such good friends and meet some fantastic musicians over the last few years, your magazine is great by the way - Amy J xx

Name: Brian Robinson Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: UK Date: 17 Apr 2012 07:48:59 GMT

Comment: Happy Birthday Amy, hope you have a fantastic day! Love from Brian and Caroline x x x 

Thanks Brian and Caroline, I had a lovely day although my high school parents evening was also on my birthday so I didn't really like that bit. My Ashdown bass amp is amazing, I love it! - Amy J xx

Name: Mike Carparelli
Welcome Page:  
Country: CANADA  Date: 29 Apr 2012 20:46:54 GMT

Comment: Amy, how did we get so lucky to have you as an Endorsee for Carparelli Guitars? thank you from all of our family to your family! you rock Amy! keep on changing the world to the way it's supposed to be! a Happy World! 

Thank you so much Mike for your lovely message, I feel really honoured to be part of this amazing Carparelli family, thank you with all of my heart for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I hope that one day I will get the chance to come to Canada and say thanks in person for endorsing me with such a special guitar - Amy J xx

Name: Ralf Martens
Welcome Page:  
Country: GERMANY  Date: 30 Apr 2012 19:48:24 GMT

Comment: Hi, thank's for the wonderful pics. We're going to use them for our website. I'll contact you, when we're ready. Rock on! Ralf (designer@carparelli guitars and gitarrendesign) 

No problem Ralf, glad they are of use, the Arco is a stunning guitar and I am sure you are as proud to have been involved in its design as I am to be one of its first owners in the UK - Amy J xx 

Name: Supreme Sound
Welcome Page:  
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 14 Jul 2012 14:34:30 GMT

Comment: Thank you so much for performing at St Mary's High School fair 2012. 

Thank you Joe for giving me the chance to perform twice, I really enjoyed it and hope I get the chance to do it again sometime. - Amy J xx

Name: Slish
Country: HOLLAND  Date: 21 Oct 2012 19:30:35 GMT

Comment: AMY! Dad send me the link to your latest song. Pretty impressive, young lady! Cheers & all the best, Slish. 

Thank you Slish, glad you liked it, I really enjoyed writing and recording it and I am sure I will I do another one soon - Amy J xx

Name: Reece Froggatt
Welcome Page:  
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 30 Oct 2012 09:20:31 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, I was wondering if you wanted to be advertised on my website.. We get alot alot of daily hits and we are in partnership with Google.. Text me if your interested

Hi, thanks for the offer but I have nothing to advertise yet, feel free to put a link to my site if you want to - Amy J xx


Name: Ian Mottram
Country: UK  Date: 2 Nov 2012 15:25:49 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy, well done and thank you for writing a song about Soldiers. This is remembrance month, and hopefully millions of poppies will be sold for this great cause and I'm sure your song will help. My ex soldier friend found you and told me and many others. You are very talented and I wish you all the best for the future. Good luck, Ian 

Thankyou for your kind words, I admire all of the forces for what they do for our country, I hope my song can help in some way - Amy J xx

Name: Phil Matthews
Country: UK  Date: 3 Nov 2012 00:42:31 GMT

Comment: Hi Amy found out about you through Wishbone Ash, especially Martin Turner. It's great to see young people keeping the music alive x 

Thanks Phil, Wishbone Ash is one of my favourite bands and I have been very lucky to have met and played on stage with them all, they are an inspiration to me - Amy J xx

Name: natalie
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 3 Nov 2012 09:23:54 GMT

Comment: really enjoyed ur song my daughter played it to me and having a solider in the family we played it to him which he enjoyed u r an inspration to all young girls keep going cant wait to hear more much love xx 

Thanyou for your message Natalie, I am so pleased that you enjoyed my song, I am hoping that a soldiers charity will sell it to raise funds for our brave troops - Amy J xx

Name: desmond farrell
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 17 Nov 2012 01:21:20 GMT

Comment: I have the MC that my grandad won at Messines Ridge ww1 it is comforting to know that our brave lads are not forgotten, and the young men of today are still willing to put themselves at great risk in order to save there pals, mates, From: x soldier 70 yrs & some 

Thankyou for leaving me this message, I wrote this song as I really admire what they do for our country at huge risk to themselves, they are all very brave and it makes me proud to be British - Amy J xx

Name: niamh cunningham
Country: UK  Date: 19 Nov 2012 10:51:26 GMT

Comment: hellloooooooooooooooooooooo lovely website :):):) from niamh xx 

Helllooooooooooooooooooo Niamh, thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuu :-)     - Amy J xx

Name: Miriam
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 7 Dec 2012 13:41:47 GMT

Comment: I love your site Amy.Thanks for your autograph.I am your biggest fan! 

Hi Miriam, hahahahahahahahaha, it's ok, thankyou - Amy J xx

Name: sandra brownett
  Date: 28 Dec 2012 20:48:37 GMT

Comment: Love your single The soldier lots of love xxx 

Thankyou Aunty Sandra, glad you like it, love to you too - Amy J xx

Name: Daniel Peters
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 5 Apr 2013 12:28:25 GMT

Comment: Hi amy Greetings from Nottingham after hearing one of the songs on your youtube channel it may me cry almost what a sweet voice you have hope you will be bringing a CD out I also play guitar to and will be uploading some videos soon to youtube 

Thank you Daniel, what a lovely message. One day I do hope to make a CD but for now I just need to learn more and practise a lot - Amy J xx      

Name: Mike
Welcome Page:    
Country: TEXAS  Date: 18 Jun 2013 13:59:39 GMT

Comment: Nice website. Thank you

Thank you Mike - Amy J xx
Name: Georgina
Welcome Page:   
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 24 Jun 2013 15:37:04 GMT

Comment: hello amy hehe

Hi Georgina haha - Amy J xx
Name: asdas
Welcome Page:   
Country:  Poland Date: 26 Jun 2013 21:13:08 GMT

Comment:  ;-)

Thanks for visiting :-) - Amy J xx
Name: Mike
Country: Indonesia Date: 24 Jul 2013 08:53:25 GMT

Comment: Very nicely done and fun website guestbook. Thank you.

Thankyou Mike - Amy J xx
Name: M.
Country:   Date: 8 Dec 2013 07:08:33 GMT

Comment: You are a very talented girl! It's so awesome that you are into music at such a young age and doing great. It's great that you've met some amazing people as well. Wishing you the best of luck as you continue with your musical journey! P.S. I play the violin as my main instrument but I am currently learning guitar. It's an extraordinary instrument.

Hi, thankyou for your kind words, I agree the guitar is an extraordinary instrument, good luck  - Amy J xx
Name: gary  
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 16 Aug 2014 15:00:49 GMT

Comment: glad you are living your dream amy-to be a singer

Thanks Gary - Amy J xx

Name: Charlotte Clarke
Country:   Date: 26 Aug 2014 08:42:28 GMT

Comment: Hey I checked out your website and I am thinking of buying your CDs

Thanks Charlotte, hope you enjoyed my last EP, more to come soon I hope  - Amy J xx
Name: Paul Trolley
Country: UK  Date: 11 Jul 2015 23:54:47 GMT

Comment: Heard you at the Ashgate Hospice volunteer party & thought you sounded great - Thanks !

Thanks Paul and thankyou for the work you do with the hospice, its an amazing place and everyone appreciates the help from everyone especially the volunteers - Amy J xx
Name: Thalia Capos
Welcome Page:
Country: USA  Date: 13 Sep 2016 19:47:10 GMT

Comment: Wishing you all the best in your musical career, Amy! We're honored and thrilled to see a Thalia Capo on the guitar of someone so talented! Keep up the fantastic work and we'll be sure to buy tickets when you visit California on your future tour! :) -The Team at Thalia Capos

Hi, thankyou so much, absolutely love your capo's, always telling people how amazing they are. Would love to visit the States one day and play a few places, its good to dream!  - Amy J xx

Name: PlulpPhemEmail:
Welcome Page: 
Country: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGODate: 8 Nov 2020 15:46:11 GMT
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